GidiAds, All You Need To Know !!!

welcome to Gidi Ads

98% of businesses want to make the most out of their ads. Yes, we don’t understand the remaining two percent either.

Still, we the winning percent manage to spend a notable sum of our hard earned funds trying to get a massive influx of customers.

Doesn’t always turn out like we plan, does it? Which brings us to the question, what are we going to do about your low performing ads?

In seven letters, Gidiads.

Now imagine having access to unique campaigns across all social media platforms which would in turn, enable you reach your future customers and achieve your business goals.

Imagine your businesses and brands getting to the doorstep of every potential customer with hands-on-execution tactics that guarantee results. Imagine making the most of all your funds without wasting valuable time and effort. Yes. It is possibleAnd that’s where we come in.

Gidi Ads (Gidiads) is a digital marketing agency that provides end to end marketing solutions with prominence on;

Social media advertising

social media advertising with gidi ads

With the help of Social media ads, we will project your brands to reach a wider audience than those who are following you. We will handle creation of target audiences based on their demographics, interests, behaviors, and more.

Social media management

social media management with gidi ads

We also offer social media management, which enables analysis of audiences and development of strategies that’s tailored to them, creating and distributing content for social media profiles, monitoring online conversations, collaborating with influencers, providing community service, and monitoring, measuring, and reporting on social media performance and ROI.

Business intelligence

business intelligence with gidi ads

This will comprise of the strategies and technologies used for the data analysis of business information. We will handle investigations and provide historical, current, and predictive views for business your operations.

Content creation/designs

content creation/design with gidi ads

We provide solutions to creative blocks by helping you generate topic ideas that appeal to your buyer persona through written or visual content. (Write ups , video, info graphics etc). We carry out viable research and processes to determine the best possible solutions that will in turn add value to the viewer/user.

Brand consultancy

brand consultancy with gidi ads

We have readily available, creatively and strategically-focused professionals who would be in charge of creating and implementing powerful brand strategies that would birth a creative outcome. Your consultant would help you to design a blueprint for your brand, and put all the supports in place so that you can continue to grow.

Adopting up-to-date trends & technology for promotion

adoption of up-to-date trends and technology for promotion with gidi ads

Keeping track of the latest product trends in the current market provide you with valuable insight into your customers and to what they’re responding well to. We offer research and tracking services which would provide insight to the latest product trends as well as useful information you can add to your customer personas and use to make future decisions.

We are indeed creative dreamers and innovators equipped with consultative approach’s to every client and we help find actionable solutions that will guide your organization towards achieving your business and sales goals.

Our packages include;

  • OPAL (50k unique audience) : Perfect for small and medium sized businesses
  • RUBY (250k unique audience) : Suitable for large & multinational businesses
  • DIAMOND (500k unique audience): Best for large & multinational businesses

All these are available to you in very easy steps.

What then are you waiting for? Sign up today.

Till next time,

Gidiads team.

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